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When To Worry About A Nosebleed & Seek Medical Help

When To Worry About A Nosebleed & Seek Medical Help

Nosebleeds are extremely common. It’s estimated that around 60% of people will have at least one nosebleed in their lifetime1, which can be triggered by dry air, picking your nose, and the common cold, among other things. They are usually nothing to worry about. But nosebleeds can be serious in some instances, so it’s important…

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What Does A Healthy Tongue Look Like? Pictures & Issues

The human tongue is an amazing thing. It has thousands of invisible taste buds that make food a pleasure, it allows you to communicate with your fellow humans, and if you’re lucky, it gives you the opportunity to passionately kiss a romantic partner. It can also teach you things about your health, including particular infections,…

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Common Types Of Eating Disorders & How To Get Help

Roughly a million Australians have an eating disorder—around 4% of the population.1 The condition is most common in adolescents and young women but can affect people from every gender and age group. In this article, we explore the definition of eating disorders, the most common types of eating disorders, and how you can seek treatment.…

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How To Fix A Blocked Nose | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Having a blocked nose can make you miserable. It feels hard to breathe, gives you a dry mouth at night, and can be accompanied by a pressure headache that rages on both sides of your head. Thankfully, a congested nose is usually caused by something minor such as a cold or allergies, and there’s plenty…

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Sleep Hygiene: 18 Simple Ways To Get More Sleep

Sleep is incredibly important for your health. It repairs your heart and blood vessels, improves your focus and productivity, and reduces the risk for a number of fatal diseases6. Improving your sleep hygiene and getting better quality sleep is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Good sleep hygiene is…

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Mouth Breathing: How To Spot It And Fix It [Article]

Breathing is one of the most vital functions of the human body, and provides our bodies with the oxygen we need to survive. But despite this, most of us don’t think about how we breathe. There are two air passageways to your lungs—your mouth, and your nose—and healthy people use both to breathe. During strenuous…

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Audiometrist Vs Audiologist | What’s The Difference?

If you’re seeking help for an ear-related problem, it can be difficult knowing whether to see an audiometrist or audiologist. They both deal with ear issues and share some common responsibilities, but are also distinctly different. Here’s a breakdown of audiometrists vs audiologists, so you can decide which to visit. The Key Differences Between Audiologists And Audiometrists…

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Does Anxiety Cause Blurred Vision?

Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that we all experience. It can be accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, a speedy heart rate, and if the feeling is intense enough, some believe that it can cause blurred vision.1,2 In this article, we’ll discuss whether anxiety can cause blurred vision, other possible causes for blurred vision, and how you can fix…

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What’s The Difference Between Fear And Anxiety?

According to research from the University of California, we can experience 27 distinct emotions1. Many of these are so similar that they’re hard to identify when we experience them. Are we just admiring our husband in his navy blue suit, or do we adore him? Are we feeling a sense of awe at the snow-capped mountain…

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Ear Syringing | An Expert Guide

If you’re finding everything to be a little more muffled than usual, and your friends are having to shout at you to penetrate the ball of wax sitting in your blocked ear canal, your doctor can complete a simple procedure that should fix the problem: ear syringing (also known as ear irrigation). How Does Ear Syringing Work?…

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