Don’t Wait Until Business Hours To Book Your Next Appointment!
Here at the Algester Medical Centre and the Acacia Ridge Family Practice we understand your time is precious, so the process of booking a suitable appointment time with your GP should be as streamlined and convenient as possible. That’s why we’re introducing a new fully integrated online booking system that will help us provide you with better health care, right at your fingertips.
What Are The Benefits Of Our New Online Booking System?
Our new Appointuit online booking system will enable you to:
View the ‘real time’ availability of our doctors and practitioners
Book your appointment online at the most convenient time for you
View, manage and customize all of your appointments online
Receive automatic appointment confirmations and reminders of your upcoming appointments
Receive important health care reminders
Keep up to date with the latest news from our Practices
Access preventative health care communications
Take advantage of our improved patient support
All of the above can be communicated to you via the method of your choice – whether it’s via an email to your inbox, or via a secure SMS message to your mobile phone or tablet.
How Do I Go About Setting Up The Appointuit System On My Computer?
Setting up our new online booking system is easy. To access the new system and make an appointment from our practice website:
Click the orange ‘Book Appointment’ box on the right hand side of the website page
Click the box that states, ‘I am a current patient but do not have a Appointuit login’
Click the box that states, ‘I have not used Appointuit before to login to another practice’
Register your details so that the Practice can match your details to their records
Include your mobile number if you’d like to receive SMS reminders
Set up a password (don’t forget to write it down somewhere so that you remember it!)
Log out or book an appointment
And you’re done!
It’s important to remember that the Practice needs to match the details you enter here to your patient file at the Practice. If there is a typo or your name is spelt differently to your Practice records, there will be no match. In general, it should be entered as it appears on your Medicare or health insurance card. If it’s been a while since your last visit, your patient file may have been marked as ‘inactive’, which will also result in no match. If you are having trouble matching your details, please click the ‘Support’ box and our Support Team will assist you.
How Do I Go About Setting Up The Appointuit System On My Mobile Phone Or Tablet?
If you already have the App downloaded to your mobile phone or tablet, it’s simply a matter of clicking on it to open it. If you don’t, the App is readily available from a number of online App stores (just search for it online, for example, “Appointuit App for iPhone”). The App is available for iPhones through the Apple iTunes store or for Android phones though Google Play. You then simply download it and register your details to set up an account.
How Do I Set Up An Account Through A SMS Text Message That I’ve Received From The Practice?
If you’ve received an SMS text message from us, have not set up an Appointuit account and have not booked online before, you will need to create an account first in order to log into your secure message. When you receive an SMS text message regarding setting up your Appointuit account, simply click on the ‘X’ button and register your details. If you’ve already registered to the Appointuit online booking service at our Practice or any other Practice that uses Appointuit, you can use this user name and password.
Important Things To Note When Using The Appointuit System
If you are interested in registering for the Appointuit system online or via your mobile phone, you will need to make sure that we have the correct information on file for you in order to register correctly. This includes your own personal email address and your mobile phone number. If you share a mobile or email account, remember that those you share this with will also see this information.
What If I’m Having Problems Registering My Details?
If you are having problems registering any of your details, please contact our Technical Support Team who are more than happy to assist you with the process.
What If I Forget My User Name Or Password?
If you forget your user name or password, again our Technical Support Team are here to help with the process of resetting these.
What About Privacy Issues?
Here at the Algester Medical Centre and the Acacia Ridge Family Practice we care about your privacy. Our Practice uses secure email and SMS technology to streamline your medical appointments and communicate important health information to you. If you do not wish to receive information this way, you can easily opt out of email messaging and/or SMS messaging or both, however you will need to advise the Practice, make alternative arrangements for receiving this information, and have these noted in your file. If you wish to discuss this option further, please talk to your GP or the relevant Practice Manager. We look forward to continuing your care and expanding our services to you!
Like to book an appointment the old fashioned way? Contact us today on (07) 3711 2880 to book your professional consultation.
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