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What Is A Mental Health Assistance Dog? And How Can I Get One?

What Is A Mental Health Assistance Dog? And How Can I Get One?

Dogs have been our loyal companions for thousands of years, following us through tribal wars, ice ages, and countless natural disasters. They’ve been our hunting companions, protectors, and best friends, and are arguably the greatest domesticated animal on earth (quiet down, cats). Dogs can reduce our stress, combat our loneliness, and provide us with a…

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The Contraceptive Implant – What You Need To Know

What Is A Contraceptive Implant? And How Does It Work? A contraceptive implant is a small, flexible, plastic rod roughly 4cm long that is placed under the skin of the upper arm (subdermal implant). It’s known as a long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC), which lasts for years, and can be forgotten about once fitted. Once installed,…

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What’s The Difference Between Signs And Symptoms?

Medical terminology is confusing. Australian doctors have to study for at least seven years before being able to practice1, so we can be forgiven for not knowing the difference between a murmur and a flutter, heatstroke and a hot flush, or when we’ll need to swallow the bitter pill that we’re being told about. A common…

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How A Plant Based Diet Improves Health

Of all the advice we’re given throughout our lives, diet is one of the most confusing. Years ago we were told that eggs are good for you, then they caused heart disease, and then, were good for you again. We were advised against consuming saturated fat, and products started yelling “FAT FREE!” at us while…

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Do I Need Antidepressants? | Expert Advice

Depression and anxiety are serious health issues that affect around three million Australians, and given the start we’ve had to 2020, is likely to be affecting even more. If you’re struggling through depression, you might be considering talking to your doctor about the issue, with antidepressants a possibility to help you though. If you’re asking…

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5 Mental Well-Being Tips To Fight Sadness During Lockdown

Self-isolation is tough, particularly if you’re living on your own. The Australian government recently announced the creation of a “mental health response plan5” to help alleviate the anguish that some people are feeling as a result of lockdown. While this may help, there’s still plenty we can do ourselves to improve our mental health. In…

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Coronavirus Facts: What You Need To Know

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a recently identified strain of coronavirus in humans. Here’s everything you need to know about the symptoms of the coronavirus, how to avoid coronavirus, and what to do if you think you may be infected. Coronavirus Definition: What Is It?Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a strain of virus that…

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How To Manage & Treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Did you know that at least 2% of Australians experience obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour to a level that significantly impacts their quality of life? It’s true: the lives of more than 500,000 Australians are impacted by OCD and anxiety. This article aims to de-stigmatise and demystify some of the myths surrounding OCD disorder, help…

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9 Childhood Obesity Facts

Are you looking for childhood obesity facts and information about obesity? This guide explores 9 obesity facts to dispel some of the myths that circulate around this sensitive topic. Fact 1: What Is Childhood Obesity?What is obesity and what does childhood obesity look like? It’s important to note that not all children who look like…

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